
Hang Youth

Hang Youth deliberately stands somewhere between a funny art project, an evil tweet and a deadly serious punk band. In 2020, the band released the albums BOEL AAN DE HAND and ALLES MOET BETER, with ultra-short but radically furious hardcore poppunk bangers such as 'WAAROM IS ALLES ZO KK DUUR?', ‘IK GEEF EEN NIER VOOR GEEN RUTTE IV' and 'BELASTINGDIENST'. Bursting with social engagement, Hang Youth pursues its extremely anarchic agenda wherever they can. They destroyed several prime-time television and radio moments as well as an illegal occupation of the Zuidas and they have no intention of stopping. The new record HET K-WOORD is out now, and if capitalism hasn't fallen within a few months, the band will be forced to release more albums.



Rick Bakker